At Shape Shifters, we care about helping you reach your fitness goals. Beginners and professionals alike will benefit from our online workout programs. We have taken the time and energy to build our programs so that you don’t have to! The best part is you can use participate in a workout program from the comfort of your home, or wherever you enjoy working out.
Each program will focus on different workouts, so be sure to choose the one suited for your fitness goals. We have more than 20 videos available for you to choose from and more than 20 hours of available content. Discover more about our online fitness training programs!
Athletic Conditioning Training
Our online athletic conditioning program focuses on building up your athletic strength. We focus on muscle-building using dumbbells and skipping rope, as well as other strength-building exercises. We help you work on your muscle strength, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and your core. You will achieve amazing results and end your workouts feeling like THE ultimate athlete!
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Full-body HIIT Workout
Our full-body HIIT workout program combines cardio and strength for the ultimate high-intensity workout. High-intensity interval training was designed with time in mind because vigorous exercise cuts your workout in half. Basically, you perform HIIT workouts quicker than standard workouts. Our online HIIT workout programs focus on drills, TABATA, EMOM, bodyweight training, and resistance training. Once you start this program, you’ll never want to stop!
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Boxing Workout for Strength and Endurance
Boxing is one of the best ways to train your body! Our online boxing training program helps you develop fighting skills and builds strength and endurance. Whether you want to defend yourself, get into a real boxing ring, or just build up muscle, boxing is a great way to meet your goals. Our boxing program targets your core and helps improve your cardiovascular and muscle endurance. You might be the next Floyd May weather if you use our program!
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