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  • Tips to Nail Your HIIT Workout Without Being Exhausted
HIIT Workouts

When trying to get motivated for a workout, enthusiasm is a positive thing. This can be especially true when participating in high-intensity interval training or HIIT. These workouts involve all-out exercise with short spurts of recovery time. This makes it hard to not burnout before the workout is over. Competition with others while working out can also have the same effect. At Shape Shifters, we provide a non-equipment workout at home for all of our clients so you can focus on your performance and not others.

With our HIIT workouts at home for beginners, get the results you crave while in the comfort of your own home. We are Shape Shifters and we are your workout partner. Reach out to us today.

How Can I Better Pace Myself and not Burnout?

Exhausting yourself in the course of an HIIT might sound like a good thing but it is not. It can be difficult to climb the mounting wall of exhaustion. Being that tired can affect every day functionality. Below are listed five of our top tips to help you rage through your HIIT and still have some energy left for the day.

  • Start Slowly and Finish Strong
  • Properly Warming Up
  • Track Heart Rate and Level of Exertion
  • Take the Balance Test
  • Change to the HILIT

Start Slowly and Finish Strong

It is important to not over exert yourself in the first few rounds of the HIIT. Many people think the rather short workout time of fifteen to twenty minutes for a non-equipment workout at home is a cakewalk, but it is not. It is important to start slow and then gradually increase the intensity of your effort over each round.

Properly Warming Up

Without proper warm up, the body is unable to maintain a consistent level of energy. It is important to warm up for approximately ten minutes prior to starting.

Track Heart Rate and Level of Exertion

The easiest way to determine if you are at the proper exertion level is the talk test. Try and say a sentence without taking a breath in the middle. If you can, then the intensity is appropriate.

Take the Balance Test

To determine if the exertion level is too high, try balancing on one foot in the middle of your HIIT. If you cannot, then you are overexerting yourself.

Change to HILIT

If the exertion level is too high, one alternative is switching to a high-intensity low-impact training or HILIT program. It takes out the high impact exercises and replaces them with movements.

Struggling with your HIIT workout? Why not reach out for our HIIT workouts at home for beginners? We are your workout partner. We are Shape Shifters.